Learn More About Our Understanding Conflict Training

If you could pick one conversation to do over from this past year, what would it be? Perhaps wished you’d articulated your points more  clearly, or listened more compassionately or stayed with the discomfort for longer.

            Mary Dumas, the instructor for the WDRC’s 6-hour Understanding Conflict Workshops is well acquainted with the dilemmas of conflict. As someone who's been in the field of conflict resolution for 20 years, she’s seen her share of fierce stand offs and impasses. The key to more successfully finding a way forward is as much a mindset as it is a strategic use of communication tools. Rather than aiming for perfect, she encourages participants to be conflict brave.

            Think back to that regrettable conversation: what were you hoping to get across? What would have been different for you if the other person had truly sought to understand your reasoning and your perspective? Perhaps you were looking for them to see and recognize your efforts or to feel heard. These deeper reasons behind conflict are the key to unlocking more open communication. Participants from this course remarked “I've never really thought about how to approach conflict before, and how my body and past life experiences play a role in that conflict. Learning about anger, the cycle of strong feelings, identifying triggers/needs, the basic anatomy of conflict and how to approach it, will all undoubtedly help me as I move forward through life and face inevitable conflicts.”

            If you are willing to find that conflict bravery in yourself, we welcome you to join us. To sign up visit our website at https://www.whatcomdrc.org/understanding-conflict and for any questions about the workshop, contact training@whatcomdrc.org